

CityGroups are the heartbeat of our church body. ​​In homes from Saline County, North Little Rock, Maumelle and all in between, South City gathers in CityGroups on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month instead of corporate worship. We share a meal, pray together, celebrate Communion, and study the bible to grow in Christ-likeness.

South City gathers regularly in simple expressions of the Church like what we see in the New Testament: focused on Christ, ordinary people – multigenerational and multicultural, where everyone uses their gifts, cares for one another, and is on mission together in Central Arkansas.

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CityGroup Locations

Adcock | McIndoe CityGroup

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Join us most Sunday nights for a shared meal, bible study or game night!  Friends and family are welcome.

Darrell & Tracy | Pete & Debbie

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Ancarrow CityGroup

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City group church on the 1st and 3rd Sundays each month at the Ancarrow’s home in Benton. 10:30am. We would love to have you join us anytime!

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Cline CityGroup

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Our group meets to discuss the theme of that morning’s message. We encourage one another and pray for each other. We typically meet at 10am on the first & third Sundays.  Families are welcome!

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Cline CityGroup 2

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Bring your family and friends to grow together toward Christlikeness.

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Hale CityGroup

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Kidd CityGroup

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This group, led by Jerry and Sue Kidd, is designed to take participants through a simple process of examining the Bible for themselves, and carefully thinking through what it means to become a disciple of Jesus Christ. It is also designed to bring participants to a point of commitment, of fully embracing the faith—the teachings of Jesus Christ.

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Rivas CityGroup

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Solis CityGroup

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Sorrells/Qualls CityGroup

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Karl & Heidi Sorrells and Kevin & Kim Qualls lead this group in their homes in Maumelle. They meet on Thursday evenings and 1st + 3rd Sundays. 

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Stewart | Little CityGroup

Please note: Map location is not exact.

The Benton CityGroup meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month at 9:30am at a group member’s home. Location varies! We would love to have you join us anytime! Text or call Mindi at 870-514-1576. 

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What People Are Saying

I love that my CityGroup is multigenerational much like the early church, and that it’s a space where everyone gets to use their gifts. We’ve experienced the body of Christ in this way and now we can never go back to just attending a weekly church service. Their encouragement is essential in my discipleship and in making disciples.


CityGroups allow our church family to assemble and pray in smaller groups near their homes. A meal is shared and time is spent conversing and getting to know one another better. The Word of God is read and discussed by all, providing a platform for everyone to gain a better understanding of God’s word, their spiritual gifts, and the purpose God has for their life.


We love our CityGroup! We are constantly on the text group together praying for each other and hearing about what’s going on in each other’s lives.


We want to return to the biblical, simple, but powerful early church model. To gather, to grow, to go – living the way Christ and the early church intended. To decentralize from a church building and a small leadership team to taking the Gospel where we live, work and play with everyone using their gifts.

Take your first step by visiting a CityGroup near you.
